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What Will Your Child Learn In Pre-Kindergarten?

Advantage Learning Center

While many children go to preschool before they enter kindergarten, pre-kindergarten programs can provide a more structured education that benefits students before they enter elementary school. Small class sizes allow children to receive personalized guidance.

Are you curious about the curriculum your child will encounter in a pre-kindergarten class? Learn more about the curriculum your children will focus on in class.


Experimentation provides a basis for science exploration in pre-kindergarten. For instance, children might learn about issues like gravity by experimenting with dropping items and observing them. Students in these classes also learn about natural science by studying a globe or atlas.

Children in pre-kindergarten will also have the opportunity to explore technology. Children may learn about some of the most basic computer skills, like using a mouse or using a keyboard to access school-related programs on the computer.

Ultimately, science education in pre-kindergarten often revolves around asking questions. For example, students might observe the growth of a plant and then come up with science-based questions related to the process.


Children learn literacy skills through songs, books, and storytelling. They grow their vocabulary and communication skills with the help of language-related exercises. The goal is to encourage children to have conversations and to answer questions.

Phonics are also an important component of pre-kindergarten education. Not only do children learn to identify different letters, but they also learn some of the sounds they make. This establishes a foundation for reading.

In pre-kindergarten, children learn to tell stories by focusing on sequences. They may also learn a bit about journaling. While they may only be learning how to hold a pen or pencil, children will learn to dictate to somebody else.

Art and Music

Motor skills are important, and art, music, and dance can help facilitate student exploration. In addition to playground time to exercise, children benefit from an artistic outlet.

Children also learn about creative expression in pre-kindergarten. They might use clay, pencils, markers, and crayons to explore their imagination. Children might even use their expression to illustrate books.

Pre-kindergarten emphasizes singing and sometimes playing instruments. Children learn about the basic foundations of music and lyrics. Musical games can also help children explore the world around them.


In pre-kindergarten, students often engage in math-related activities that provide a challenge without asking for complex calculations. For instance, students learn to build with blocks, create patterns, and complete puzzles. These activities build a foundation for a strong relationship with math.

Pre-kindergarteners learn to compare and contrast items. They also use segments of time, directions, and estimations to make decisions. With these skills also comes with the ability to use phrases like “more than” and “less than.”

Finally, children in these classes will begin learning to count, specifically focusing on the numbers one through ten. They will learn to count small groups of items.

Self-Expression and Cooperation

In pre-kindergarten, children learn about themselves too. For instance, children will learn to create collages that express statements about themselves. They learn about their own likes and dislikes.

Children also learn how to cooperate with other children during play. They also learn how to follow instructions from teachers. These characteristics prepare children to become good citizens of a formal school environment.

Pre-Kindergarten Options

Children benefit from pre-kindergarten because it provides hands-on experiences and opportunities for participation. Pre-kindergarten students begin to understand the formal classroom environment.

Advantage Learning Center offers learning opportunities for children before they enter the formal education system. If you are interested in learning more about our programs and the ways we set up your child for success, get in touch with us today.



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Lakewood, CO 80228-0802

Open Monday – Friday
6:30 AM – 6:00 PM
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